As a well established floor heating repair and maintenance specialist we work directly for the biggest suppliers of floor heating cables, including Ambient, BN Thermic, Flexel International, Floor Heating Systems, HeatMat, The Floor Warming Company and The Underfloor Heating Store. It is therefore important that our method of fault detection allows them to verify the cause of a fault so that it is clear whether the fault is due to an installation problem or a manufacturing fault in the cable. The most common form of detection is with the use of High Voltage equipment to bring up a hot spot on the floor at the point of the fault. We have personally used this method since the 1980's and are adept at using it with care and precision. However, the problem with using this method is that it can further damage weak spots in the cable, especially in older installations, which can then lead to further future breakdowns. We therefore use this method quite rarely and as a last resort with a great deal of care. Our normal mode of operation is always to start fault location with the "Soft Options". Firstly we study readings from a variety of instruments, from which we can determine the type of fault and the distance of the fault into the cable. We then use radio detection methods to locate the fault and if necessary we use further non-aggressive, voltage regulated radio detection to precisely locate the fault to within millimetres. On completion of location we neatly excavate the minimum convenient area, usually one tile, repair the cable and thoroughly clean the area so that the floor surface can be reinstated with ease. We then final test the floor heating installation and provide a full report including all readings, conclusions and photographs where required. If necessary we can also power-up the heating system and take thermal images of the cable layout. |